Saturday, April 25, 2009

When I grow up....

Everybody had their own dreams when we were little about what do I want to do when I grow up. I was a big dreamer about it. Now I am telling you right now my secret dreams so please do not laugh. I always wanted to be a famous singer or a dancer. I loved to see the video clips with all those pretty girls dancing and singing around. I really wanted to be like them.I even went to take some dance classes and I used to sing in a choir.I gave up too fast I know that. It was a little too much for the 8 years old girl and i thought I can't take it anymore. My mother encouraged me to continue that and she explained me that it takes a lot to achieve something and i should be patient. She also used to dance in a band and she even finished the musical high school. She used to dance and play violin, and my grandmother as well. sometimes I still dream about it , but now is weigh too late too do that.It is good to dream and have dreams. I just was not strong enough to keep my dreams up , but I encourage everybody to do it.


  1. I would never laugh on you.
    Why don't you try?

  2. It is never too late to achieve your dream. Come one, give it a try.

  3. Never it is late magda , you just have to give your self a chance .Everything is posiable.
